Install RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) to Windows 10 1809 and above

One of the most common things I get asked by teams (Active Directory, Server Administration, Client Administration, Application Administration and others) that work with me is if I can embed the...

How to setup Office 365 the right way using SCCM

Over the years Office has had different install processes especially when it comes to enterprise deployments. I still remember the days we used to use the Office Customization Tool but with...

How to upgrade the BIOS using GUI checks?

Following the article I wrote on capturing BIOS information in your environment which can be found here, I packaged BIOS packages via the traditional route in SCCM for a customer. One of the...

Deploying Slack 3.0.5 to Enterprise environments

For those who are not familiar with Slack, Slack is a cloud-based set of proprietary team collaboration tools and services. Over the last year, collaboration tools such as Slack and Teams have...

Gathering BIOS Version through SCCM

Scanning for BIOS information across the environment comes in handy when you realize you either have non stable versions or you have not updated the BIOS in a while. The following...

SCCM Stale Object Cleanup – Applications and Collections

Everyone knows that performing SCCM maintenance frequently is the key to a healthy SCCM experience. A lot of authors refer to tuning up the SCCM maintenance within the SCCM console but...

Understanding SQL Connections to your SCCM Database to improve performance

There are times when you may see degraded experience on loading your console and with the values refresh. The first few pointers that come to mind are: Configuration Network SQL If the...

SCCM Boundary Group to Boundary and Distribution Point Reporting

I have always found the need of good reports especially while upgrading or migrating environments. One of those is while upgrading the OS on all the Site Servers pre SCCM upgrade....

SCCM Duplicate CI cleanup

From time to time SCCM generates duplicate CI's and a SCCM Duplicate CI cleanup is recommended. I put together a WQL query to find all the duplicates within SCCM so I...

Office 32 vs 64 bit SQL Reporting

When performing Office 365 upgrades it usually becomes necessary to inventory your current environment for installed Office 32 vs 64 bit installations to verify you upgrade them to their respective architectures....