Hey Vikram, i like your script
If possible,Please add not responding Servers as a "Server is not pinging" Then we can easily find out not Up or not pingable servers.
And alsoc can you configure the SMTP server to send an email that the folowing servers are rebooted like that message so that other people know about this
Based on what I am hearing, you would like to perform a check if the device is reachable. If it is, it reports the last reboot time and if not basically responds back that the "device was not reachable" or " Server is not pingable"? If that is correct that should be an easy adjustment for the function. Once confirmed, I will modify and post the script on the forum for you to consume.
Vikram Bedi
@gm-vnyginjupalli you can find the script below:
$machines = Get-Content C:\Users\<User Alias>\Desktop\Machine_List.txt
$report1 = @()
$report2 = @()
$object1 = @()
$object2 = @()
foreach($machine in $machines)
$PingRequest = Test-Connection -ComputerName $machine -Count 2 -Quiet
if ($PingRequest -eq $false)
$object1 = $machine
$object2 = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $machine | select csname, @{LABEL='LastBootUpTime';EXPRESSION={$_.ConverttoDateTime($_.lastbootuptime)}}
$report1 += $object1
$report2 += $object2
$report1 | Export-csv C:\Users\<User Alias>\Desktop\PingResultsFailed.csv
$report2 | Export-csv C:\Users\<User Alias>\Desktop\Reboot.csv
This should generate 2 files where one shows you the reboot time while the other has the clients where the pings failed. If you wish to amend the script to email the roles to a certain set of users, use the send-mailmessage cmdlet.
In addition, if you wish to deep dive the reason for the ping failing, use:
.\Ping.ps1 –InputFilePath c:\temp\names.txt –MaxConcurrent 100 –TimesToPing 4 –TimeoutInSeconds 90 –ResolveNames true
$Start = [System.DateTime]::Now
Write-Host “Version 1.0”
Write-Host “InputFilePath:”$InputFilePath
Write-Host “MaxConcurrent:”$MaxConcurrent
Write-Host “TimesToPing:”$TimesToPing
Write-Host “TimeoutInSeconds:”$TimeoutInSeconds
Write-Host “ResolveNames:”$ResolveNames
function GetNamesFromTextFile
$ht = @{}
foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($file))
try { $ht.Add($line.ToString().Trim(), $line.ToString().Trim()) } catch {}
Write-Host “Failed to Read File, Exiting:”$ms -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Yellow
return $ht
function GetStatusCodeString
param ($code)
switch ($code)
$null {$ret = “Ping Command Failed”}
0 {$ret = “Success”}
11001 {$ret = “Buffer Too Small”}
11002 {$ret = “Destination Net Unreachable”}
11003 {$ret = “Destination Host Unreachable”}
11004 {$ret = “Destination Protocol Unreachable”}
11005 {$ret = “Destination Port Unreachable”}
11006 {$ret = “No Resources”}
11007 {$ret = “Bad Option”}
11008 {$ret = “Hardware Error”}
11009 {$ret = “Packet Too Big”}
11010 {$ret = “Request Timed Out”}
11011 {$ret = “Bad Request”}
11012 {$ret = “Bad Route”}
11013 {$ret = “TimeToLive Expired Transit”}
11014 {$ret = “TimeToLive Expired Reassembly”}
11015 {$ret = “Parameter Problem”}
11016 {$ret = “Source Quench”}
11017 {$ret = “Option Too Big”}
11018 {$ret = “Bad Destination”}
11032 {$ret = “Negotiating IPSEC”}
11050 {$ret = “General Error”}
default {$ret = “Ping Failed”}
return $ret
function GetPingResultsFromHashTable
param($ht, $maxConcurrent, $count, $timeout)
$bDone = $false
$i = 0
$totalMachines = 0
$htResults = @{}
$dotTime = [System.DateTime]::Now
if ($timeout -eq $null) {$timeout = 120}
Write-Host (“Sending Ping Command to {0} Machines” -f $ht.Count) -NoNewline
foreach ($name in $ht.GetEnumerator())
while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrent)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “*”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “*” -NoNewline; $i++ }
$job = Test-Connection -ComputerName $name.Key.ToString() -Count $count -AsJob
$job.name = “ping:{0}” -f $name.Key.ToString()
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
#Start time now, exit in case of timeout
$timeout = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($timeout)
$dotTime = [System.DateTime]::Now
$i = 0
Write-Host “Getting Ping Results” -NoNewline
$results = Get-Job -Name ‘ping:*’
$bRunning = $false
foreach ($result in $results)
if ($result.State -ne ‘Running’)
if ($result.State -eq ‘Failed’)
#resubmit job
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “+”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “+” -NoNewline; $i++ }
$job = Test-Connection -ComputerName $result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1] -Count $count -AsJob
$job.name = “ping:{0}” -f $result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1]
try { $htResults.Add($result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1], (Receive-Job $result)) } catch {}
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
try { Remove-Job $result } catch {}
$bRunning = $true
#Check for timeout condition, clean up all jobs if true
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $timeout)
$bDone = $true
Write-Host “Timeout reached, removing jobs”
$results = Get-Job -Name ‘ping:*’
foreach ($result in $results)
Write-Host “RemoveJob:”$result.Name
Stop-Job $result
try { Remove-Job $result -Force } catch {}
catch {}
#If the timeout hasn’t been reached and jobs are still running, loop again
if (!($bRunning)) { $bDone = $true }
Write-Host (“Received Ping Results From {0} Machines” -f $totalMachines)
return $htResults
function ResolveNamesFromPingResults
param($array, $maxConcurrent, $resolveNames, $timeout)
try { if ($resolveNames -ne $null) { [bool]$resolveNames = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($resolveNames) } } catch {}
$htResults = @{}
if ($resolveNames)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
if ($timeout -eq $null) {$timeout = 120}
$i = 0
$scriptBlock =
try { $ret = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntry($s) } catch {}
return $ret
Write-Host (“Resolving DNS Names for {0} Machines” -f $array.Count) -NoNewline
foreach ($name in $array)
while ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -ge $maxConcurrent)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “*”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “*” -NoNewline; $i++ }
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $name.NameInList
$job.name = “resolve:{0}” -f $name.NameInList
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
#Start time now, exit in case of timeout
$timeout = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds($timeout)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
$i = 0
$bDone = $false
Write-Host “Getting DNS Results” -NoNewline
$results = Get-Job -Name ‘resolve:*’
$bRunning = $false
foreach ($result in $results)
if ($result.State -ne ‘Running’)
if ($result.State -eq ‘Failed’)
#resubmit job
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “+”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “+” -NoNewline; $i++ }
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1]
$job.name = “resolve:{0}” -f $result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1]
try { $htResults.Add($result.Name.ToString().Split(“:”)[1], (Receive-Job $result)) } catch {continue}
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
try { Remove-Job $result -Force} catch {}
$bRunning = $true
#Check for timeout condition, clean up all jobs if true
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $timeout)
$bDone = $true
Write-Host “Timeout reached, removing jobs”
$results = Get-Job -Name ‘resolve:*’
foreach ($result in $results)
Write-Host “RemoveJob:”$result.Name
Stop-Job $result
try { Remove-Job $result -Force } catch {}
catch {}
#If the timeout hasn’t been reached and jobs are still running, loop again
if (!($bRunning)) { $bDone = $true }
Write-Host (“Received DNS Results From {0} Machines” -f $htResults.Count)
return $htResults
function GetFormattedPingResultsFromHashTable
$fResults = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
$i = 0
Write-Host “Formatting Ping Results” -NoNewLine
foreach ($result in $ht.GetEnumerator())
#There are multiple pings here if we ping more than once per computer
$originalAddress = $result.Key.ToString()
$pingCount = 0
$successCount = 0
$status = ‘Ping Job Failed’
$pingedFrom = ‘Ping Job Failed’
$successPercentage = 0
try { $pings = $result.Value.Count } catch { $pings = 0 }
if ($pings -gt 0)
$status = GetStatusCodeString -code $result.Value[$pings-1].StatusCode
$pingedFrom = $result.Value[$pings-1].PSComputerName
foreach ($ping in $result.Value)
if ($ping.StatusCode -eq 0) { $successCount++ }
#If you try to get the IPv4Address or IPv6Address it slows down this loop significantly
#Calculate percentage
if ($pingCount -ne 0) { $successPercentage = ($successCount / $pingCount) * 100 }
else { $successPercentage = 0 }
#Add to array
$o = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
NameInList = $originalAddress
PingedFrom = $pingedFrom
SuccessPercentage = $successPercentage
LastPingStatus = $status
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
Write-Host (“Formatted Ping Results for {0} Machines” -f $fResults.Count)
return $fResults
function GetFormattedPingAndDNSResults
param($pingResults, $dnsResults)
if ($dnsResults.Count -ne 0)
Write-Host “Formatting DNS Results” -NoNewLine
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now)
$i = 0
foreach ($ping in $pingResults)
$dns = $dnsResults.Get_Item($ping.NameInList)
if ($dns -ne $null)
$bFirst = $true
foreach ($ip in $dns.AddressList)
if ($bFirst){ $ipList = $ip }
else { $ipList += “|” + $ip }
$fqdn = $dns.HostName
$ipList = $null
$fqdn = ‘No DNS Entry Found’
$ping | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NameFromDNS -value $fqdn -Force
$ping | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name IPAddressListFromDNS -value $ipList -Force
if ([System.DateTime]::Now -gt $dotTime)
$dotTime = ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddSeconds(1)
if ($i -ge 50) { Write-Host “.”; $i = 0 }
else { Write-Host “.” -NoNewline; $i++ }
Write-Host (“Formatted DNS Results for {0} Machines” -f $pingResults.Count)
return $pingResults
function GetOutputPath
param($fileName, $dir)
$outputPath = $dir + “\” + $fileName
return $outputPath
function GetTimeSpanStringInMinutesAndSeconds
param($startTime, $endTime)
$time = $startTime.Subtract($endTime)
$minutes = $time.ToString().Split(“:”)[1]
$seconds = $time.ToString().Split(“:”)[2].Split(“.”)[0]
$timeSpan = “{0} Minutes and {1} Seconds” -f $minutes, $seconds
return $timeSpan
function GetSuccessPingCount
$successCount = 0
foreach ($result in $results)
if ($result.SuccessPercentage -gt 0) { $successCount++ }
return $successCount
function GetDNSNamesResolvedCount
$namesResolved = 0
foreach ($result in $results)
if ($result.IPAddressListFromDNS -ne $null) { $namesResolved++ }
return $namesResolved
function GetPercentageAsString
param($n1, $n2)
if ($n1 -ne 0) { $percentage = ($n1 / $n2) * 100 }
else { $percentage = 0 }
$percentage = (“{0:N0}” -f $percentage) + “%”
return $percentage
#Read in Names from text file
$Names = GetNamesFromTextFile -file $InputFilePath
#Get ping results in a hash table. The key is the name and the value is the returned array of ping objects (one element per ping).
$Results = GetPingResultsFromHashTable -ht $Names -maxConcurrent $MaxConcurrent -count $TimesToPing -timeout $TimeoutInSeconds
#Format ping results into an array of objects
$FormattedPingResults = GetFormattedPingResultsFromHashTable -ht $Results
#Resolve DNS Names if specified
$DNSResults = ResolveNamesFromPingResults -array $FormattedPingResults -maxConcurrent 5 -resolveNames $ResolveNames -timeout $TimeoutInSeconds
#Format DNS results by adding them to the ping results
$FormattedPingResults = GetFormattedPingAndDNSResults -pingResults $FormattedPingResults -dnsResults $DNSResults
#Output to CSV
$OutputPath = GetOutputPath -fileName ‘PingResults.csv’ -dir ([Environment]::CurrentDirectory=(Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath)
try { if ($ResolveNames -ne $null) { [bool]$ResolveNames = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($ResolveNames) } } catch {}
if ($ResolveNames) { $FormattedPingResults | Sort-Object SuccessPercentage | Select-Object NameInList, NameFromDNS, IPAddressListFromDNS, SuccessPercentage, LastPingStatus, PingedFrom | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation }
else { $FormattedPingResults | Sort-Object SuccessPercentage | Select-Object NameInList, SuccessPercentage, LastPingStatus, PingedFrom | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation }
#Output Statistics
$SuccessPingCount = GetSuccessPingCount -results $FormattedPingResults
Write-Host “—Statistics—” -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“Total Time Elapsed: ” + (GetTimeSpanStringInMinutesAndSeconds -startTime $Start -endTime ([System.DateTime]::Now))) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host “Total Names Pinged:”$FormattedPingResults.Count -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“Hosts that Responded: ” + ($SuccessPingCount)) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“DNS Names Resolved: ” + (GetDNSNamesResolvedCount -results $FormattedPingResults)) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host (“Percentage of Hosts that Responded at Least Once: ” + (GetPercentageAsString -n1 $SuccessPingCount -n2 $FormattedPingResults.Count)) -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host “CSV Output Location:”$OutputPath -ForegroundColor Yellow